When one talks about some of the greatest video games ever made, it's hard to get by a discussion without mentioning the absolute brilliance of Breath of the Wild. Nintendo absolutely knocked it out of the part with this stellar entry in The Legend of Zelda series, wowing new fans with perhaps the freshest approach to open-world design ever seen while simultaneously providing new fans with an experience that was equal parts new and familiar at the same time.

However, while most aspects of Breath Of The Wild might be perfect, its boss fights are what fans criticize the most in this otherwise stellar title. While they're serviceable for the most part, gamers have definitely noticed how these disjointed and cliched encounters hamper the unique experience. Perhaps the first major boss you'll encounter in the game comes in the form of Waterblight Ganon, who will definitely give inexperienced players some trouble. If you're stuck on this boss or just want to know the most optimal way to defeat this boss, read on!

10 Make Sure You Have A Good Stock Of Arrows

There's a reason why you're prompted to gather 20 shock arrows before fighting this boss — it's not just a way for you to enter the Divine Beast.

The fight with Waterblight Ganon will become significantly easier if you have a powerful bow and a good stock of arrows on you. This is especially important in the second fight when mobility becomes an issue. So, basically, just buy as many arrows as you possibly can.

9 The Arena Is Big Enough... But Don't Get Cornered

In the first phase, the arena is big enough that you'll have time to move around without having to worry too much about your placement.

This changes in the second phase, when Waterblight Ganon brings forth a body of water that only makes it viable to switch across four platforms. Mobility is of the essence here, so make sure that you remain nimble throughout this fight.

8 Perfectly Dodge His Close-Range Spear Thrusts For An Easy Flurry Rush

When you're near Waterblight Ganon, he's probably going to thrust at you with his spear frequently enough.

This attack is the easiest to bait and has a very reliable counter — just hop to the side at the perfect time, and you'll have an easy Flurry Rush trigger!

7 His Spear Sweep Can Also Be Dodged In This Manner

If you're not all that close to Waterblight Ganon, then he'll proceed to sweep his spear in a wide arc around him.

This is another picture-perfect moment to activate a Flurry Rush, but keep in mind to jump backward this time instead of hopping to the side.

6 When He's Pointing The Spear At The Ground, Run!

While the two attacks mentioned above can be dealt with easily, for the most part, there's a moment when Waterblight Ganon will just do a complete 180° and slam his spear on the ground, causing a damaging shockwave.

There's no simpler way to say this — run as fast as you can when you see the boss telegraphing this attack!

5 You Can Deflect His Thrown Spears

Waterblight Ganon BOTW Zelda

At long range, Waterblight Ganon has the annoying habit of chucking spears at Link. While it might seem like dodging or blocking are the only two options available here, there's actually a third strategy you can employ.

If your parry timing is good, you can actually deflect these projectiles back towards Waterblight Ganon to sneak in some damage! A perfect defense really is a perfect offense.

4 Once He Collapses, Equip A Two-Handed Weapon And Use The Spin Move

After severely damaging him, Waterblight Ganon will become stunned for a bit, allowing you to wail on him.

The best way to maximize damage output here is to equip the most powerful two-handed weapon you have and used the charged attack to quickly deal a ton of damage.

3 Use Cryonis To Destroy The Ice Blocks He Chucks At You

After whittling him down to half health, the boss fight will shift to the second phase. Here's Waterblight Ganon will fill the entire arena, leaving only four platforms available for Link to access.

He'll also add another ranged attack to his arsenal in the form of the ice blocks you must be familiar with after your initial assault on Vah Ruta. The methods don't differ in both these moments — just use Cryonis or shoot arrows to destroy these blocks. The number of ice blocks thrown at Link will increase over time, so make sure you're prepared for the worst.

2 Jump And Instantly Paraglide Over The Water In The Second Phase To Make Up Ground

Mobility becomes a major issue in the second phase, with the four platforms being the only area from where you can land attacks.

If you really need to switch platforms, then we suggest and you jump and activate your glider instantly to make up as much ground as possible before landing in the water. Alternatively, you can just continuously shoot arrows and hope for the best... but that's easier said than done.

1 Try And Parry His Guardian Beam

The most dangerous attack that Waterblight Ganon has in his arsenal is something you should be familiar with if you've dealt with any Guardian enemy in your journey. The boss will charge a beam that will dish out a substantial amount of damage if it lands. Dodging it also becomes an issue because of the limited space to move.

However, there's a very viable way to counter this attack, but this requires near-perfect timing. As is the case with most Guardian lasers, parry this attack at the perfect moment to reflect it back, similar to his ranged spear attack. If you follow this guide, then it goes without saying that Waterblight Ganon will be toast!

NEXT: Breath Of The Wild: 10 Awesome Pieces Of Zelda Fan Art